PoetryAnvay Joshi
Urging with a ‘take a breath, rest for a while, and keep moving forward’ attitude, this poem never stops telling the reader that all will be alright. If you think you need a break, let this poem reassure you that you do.
Take a moment to read what I say,
Because it might really help some day.
Let’s take some time to sit back and relax,
Hit the reverse gear and look back at our tracks.
Whenever you are drowning in the ocean of self-doubt,
Retrospecting about your glorious past helps pull yourself out.
You are what you are, for a reason you exist,
How then, can you let existential doubt persist?
The uncertain life ahead, should never be a source of worry,
Absolutely no good has ever come from rushing through the present in a hurry!
However, great benefits can be reaped by analyzing the past,
Thinking about where you could go slow and where fast.
Not only must our focus go on the things that went wrong,
But also, we must appreciate the areas in which we are strong,
Because strengths and weaknesses are an integral part of life,
Inseparable as such, just like two sides of a knife,
Hence I urge you to-
Pause your life sometime, and look back,
At all the achievements you have managed to stack,
For the satisfaction you get will be truly amazing,
So pause your life sometime, and take a look back,
At all the problems you faced that you could crack,
For the benefits you reap will be truly mesmerizing…